A Lot has been happening around here. I've been kept very busy with company (family) and then if you saw my last post I finished the dress for our dear GD.... such a sweet heart! Hmmm, also DGD and DGS were sealed to their mommy and daddy and DGS (#1) got to see all of these happening too. So, no more delay.... on with the pictures! Oh, one side note, dear little granddaughter, after a bit was getting tired and had had enough of the picture taking!
Grandson #1 (he gets to be called that cause he was borned first!) is getting to that point in life... where sometimes he doesn't want to co-operate with the film director!!! It used to be if you would say cheese...... he was all grins! But then sometimes grandma forgets to say it! And well, you can see the result.... it's good.... just not the best! LoL...
Great family shot.... our Son.... back left of the photo.... trying to take a picture too.
I love this one... the way he is resting his elbow on
Grandpa's arm... pretty cute picture of the both of them! Oh, for those who don't know.... that handsome guy in the suit..... deep sighhhhh! He's mine! That's my guy! Dear Hubby!
Dear Grand Daughter.... is looking pretty sweet of course, that's most of the time! (ahem.... o.k. now comes the disclaimer.... for her mommy's sake..... sometimes, little DGD isn't always happy.... o.k. DD is that about right?!)
Dear Grand Son #2.... looking pretty dapper and all smiles. He knows that grandma is clicking pic's... and he's not one to spoil them! Of course... this gramma doesn't spoil the kids either.... ahem.... another disclaimer..... gotta get it in while I can!
So, in the next episode.... we all went to a family reunion.... camping up in Idaho..... at Lava Hot Springs.... the weather was weather.... whether we wanted it or not! Hot, cold, hot, rain.... wind.... more rain.... sunshine..... WOW!
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