May 16, 2011

Yikes! May Is Flying Past!

Hello all.... I do need to prioritize don't I! Seems that I've been doing things and forgetting to post. So, I will try to play catch up... I re-did Lois's jumper and got that back to her... It wasn't too bad, I didn't have to re-make the bodice... which was nice. Only, well... I had already purchased another yard of the fabric so that I could re-make it if I had too! Oh, well... guess I will find some little simple something to make for one of the grand daughters!
I finished a quilt that I was making for one of the humanitarian projects my friend Karma and I were working on. I wanted to finish it so that we could get it tied last week! Several of us worked from 8:00 a.m. until 8:10 p.m. (with a late break for lunch/dinner around 3:30) and we managed to tie 3 double/queen size quilts. So with working the night before on several baby quilts with the Relief Society we were able to finish 6 quilts altogether! Nice! We will deliver them plus 1 more that our friend Donna is tieing to make it a total of 7 quilts this time. What with all the things that are happening in the world, there are plenty of people that are in need of quilts.
I managed to get some mending done... some of my DH's shirts are looking the worse for wear, so I flipped the collars and also the cuffs on some of his button the front shirts and they look almost as good as new! He is a supervisor at a machine shop so, he doesn't have to wear a tie but wants to look nice and a bit dressy.... picture casual Friday wear with out a tie! Something like that anyway.
My DIL's birthday was yesterday and so we sent out a couple of fun things for her.... (can't say what because she may not of gotten them yet!). I tried really hard to get her gift/gifts to her on time.... but, well I was waiting for a sale on one of the items.... and no one had them in store and then I thought (later than I should have) that I could just order them on line and I got free shipping to boot~ Not bad.... she had forgotten it was even going to be her birthday this week end! So, no high expectations on her part... just on mine!
Hopefully she had a wonderful day.... and our love goes out to her! Always!
I have been busy gabbing with the gals too.... I went out to eat with some of the ladies from the ward... we went to Naturally Chinese. It's a great Chinese Place that is local and is as it says; all natural foods.... no msg... etc... really good. And if you have at least 7 in your party.... birthday girl (or guy) gets to eat free!
I also went with the SIL's and MIL to lunch two days b/4 that to Olive Gardens... it was time to take MIL out to lunch.... we know that if we are going out to eat.... we are going to the Gardens!!!
She loves the Chicken Alfredo.... which she orders each and every time.... very predictable... but since she is easy to please it makes it nice! She bought us lunch! Go figure.... it was just b/4 Mother's Day... we were going to buy her lunch! It was fun... we finally got in to eat at around 1:45 and didn't leave until almost 4! Yikes... we yakked and yakked.... It was very enjoyable. Just goes to show we need to get out together more!
Checkbook and bills are calling my name.... guess I had better get things done... don't want anyone going without because I didn't get the bills paid! LoL....

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